Home Technology Biggest Video Game Conventions in 2013

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Biggest Video Game Conventions in 2013

Each passing year seems to be the ‘biggest’ for video games yet, with bigger and better games emerging from the top companies. There are a number of different video game conventions, all of which are dedicated to showing off the latest and greatest in the industry. We’re going to look at a few of the biggest video game conventions in 2013, and discuss their various features — including the most famous one not even open to the public.

E3(Electronic Entertainment Expo) — E3 is the annual trade fair for the computer and video games industry. This is a convention used by video game publishers and manufacturers to show both upcoming games and hardware. This convention is closed to the public unlike Gamsecom and Penny Arcade Expo. It is possible to score tickets to E3 if you participate in various sweepstakes or know someone in the game industry. In most cases, those attending are required to prove that they have a professional connection to the industry.

Gamescom — This is a public convention held annually at Koelnmesse, Germany. Like E3, this is an opportunity for developers to show off their new software and hardware whether it is the latest video game, or the latest high end video card. Gamescon is by far the world’s largest game event with 275,000 visitors and 5,500 journalists attending in the third year.

Penny Arcade Expo(PAX) — Penny Arcade is a webcomic started in the old days of gaming, and like CAD, is meant to glorify the gaming culture. PAX features booths for both independent and major game developers, LAN parties, tabletop game tournaments, and even freeplay areas for those who are interested. This convention is intended to cater to PC gamers and Console gamers alike with zero discrimination.

Pax East — After the success of PAX, Pax East was first held in 2010 and allows those on the east coast to travel to Boston and experience all of the joys associated with PAX prime.

BlizzCon — This is arguably one of the most popular conventions in the United States, held by the company Blizzard, creators of some of the most popular franchises in the gaming industry. These of course include Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo. Most gamers recognize Blizzard as the creators of the famous World of Warcraft, a game that took the MMO world by storm. Blizzcon features Q&A sessions, panels, previews for upcoming games, costume contests, and even playable versions of Blizzard games. Those who attend are given a ‘swag’ bag that contains codes for in-game content, collectible figurines, etc. Some individuals have even be given passes to closed beta tests, depending on the game being released that year.

These are some of the biggest video game conventions scheduled for 2013, and likely every year after that. There is a gaming convention for literally every type of gamer, and nearly every geographical location. Some of them can be a bit expensive to enter, but you will find that they are not only educational, they’re just plain fun! If you’re thinking of visiting one of these conventions or another, then now would be a great time to start researching the various locations and start times. The last thing you want to do is be late, and getting there on time will give you a great experience! It’s time to get your game on.

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