Earlier this month, Opera released the final version of Opera 10 with some new features and improved performance. As always, with each new version, Opera continues to come up with innovative ideas and great features, which almost surely will be copied by other browsers one way or another; as it has been the case in the past.
With this final release, Opera introduced several new features, but the two most significant features were:
– Opera Turbo. A compression technology that is likely to improve browsing speed for internet surfers who suffers from slow internet speed. If you have a decent internet speed, you are unlikely to see and difference.
– Visual tabs. Full thumbnail views of all your tabs.
Despite leading the way with innovative features, Opera lacks behind the rest of the modern browsers when it comes to javascript performance. The new turbo feature doesnt improve javascript performance, making Opera several time slower than modern web browsers like Chrome, Safari and Firefox. Operas javascript performance is only better than IE8, which remains the worst browser in javascript performance.